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Reina returns with her two new pets in another chapter of fun with the sexy giantess. This time around she has her new slaves take a bath with her. This is their last chance to impress her before deciding whether or not they are useful enough to be given a chance. Things don't go so well and Reina realizes it is time to bring them back to her mother. Ben and Brock now get in trouble with Reina's mother Angelina. Now they must fight for their survival as Angelina is a cruel goddess when punishing the useless shrunken pets. See below for the full description of this chapter.

This chapter contains: Multiple giantesses, shrunken men, bath tub play, foot worship, boob crush, butt crush, and vore. 80 images total


Reina walked into her room, after a long morning, ready to play with her fresh new pets from last night. She opened the box and flipped it over, causing the little men to fall to the ground. Wanting to scare the tiny ones, she lifted her boot above one of them and brought it down on his back while the other fled for his life. Reina wanted to assert her dominance on the shrunken pets that were so useless the night before. As she pressed her foot down she turned her attention towards the other little guy who was starting to get away. She stopped crushing the tiny man temporary to chase down the other one. When she got close he turned around and dropped to his knees, trying to beg her to spare him. He came up to her boot and tried to show his gratitude the best as possible. Reina loved to see her little pets try and show their worth. The other pet ran up and tried to also get the goddess to forgive him as well. Happy to see that her little guys knew their place, she allowed them to stop and started to walk towards the bathroom, instructing Ben and Brock to follow her.

The little men walked into the bathroom to find Reina now naked with her bra and panties on the ground. She was over by the bathtub, filling it so they could bathe together. When the water was where she wanted she turned her attention to her tiny pets and held her hand out, ordering them to come to her. She picked up the two shrunken guys and told them what their next duty would be. They were told that they would be joining her in the bathtub and that they would be her little bath toys. Tilting her hand, she dumped the two from a distance, allowing them to drop into the warm water. As soon as they swam to the surface the water began to rock them around even more when Reina entered with her gigantic body.

Now as the three were all in the bath, Reina wanted to finally have some fun with her little pets. She ordered them to swim over to her breasts as her first task. Ben and Brock got to it as fast as they could, but it was obvious that Ben could not keep up with Brock. The shrunken guy who was winning all the races last night was once again making the other tiny pet look bad once again. He made it to her breast first and tried to climb up the wet slippery surface. Realizing they needed some help, Reina tilted her back backwards, leveling out her breasts on the top of the water so the little men could climb up on them. They did their best to try and please their goddess by devoting their entire bodies to stimulating her nipples. Reina let out a soft moan of happiness as she felt her pets toy with her body. This was not enough for her though, she wanted more.

Ben was obviously slacking in Reina's head. Instead of allowing him to continue to do a lousy job, she plucked him from her breast and hovered him above her mouth. The little guy screamed out in fear, worried about becoming a snack to the giant woman. He was dropped on her tongue as his body became drenched in her saliva. While she played around with the little man she wanted the other to perform a new task as well. With a playful tone, she ordered Brock to swim up to her leg and make it down to her feet. Brock got to his task right away and struggled his way up her leg, sliding down as he got nervous. Eventually he made it up to her knee, he looked back to watch Ben being tortured by her mouth, grateful that it wasn't him. He continued his journey down her leg until he made it to her foot. Latching on, he made his way to the top of her toes so he could get off on the table next to the tub.

Making his way to the side table, Brock knew Reina expected him to worship her feet. As she planted her wet soles next to him he dove in instantly and begun by licking the bottom part of her foot all while Reina continued to play with Ben in her mouth. Eventually the goddess grew bored of her useless slaves and decided it was time to get out of the bath. She spit the little man out of her mouth and allowed him to slide down her body, trapping him between her boobs. Using her hands, she squeezed her breasts together, smothering the tiny guy against the soft wet flesh. Soon she became bored and stood up from the tub, allowing the shrunken man to slide down the rest of the way and back into the water. He looked up to see the perfect figure of Reina hovering above him as she got out of the water. Leaving her two pets where they were she grabbed a towel and started to dry off.

When Reina was dry she turned her attention back towards the tiny men. She took them and placed them down on the ground, instructing them to use her old dirty bra and panties to dry themselves off with while she got dressed for work. As she left the room the little men did as she asked and used the gigantic pieces of clothing to wipe the water off them. It wasn't long until Reina returned to the bathroom dressed in a professional outfit, ready to go to work. She picked up the now dry tiny guys and brought them back to the bedroom. As she did this she explained what her thoughts were about their performance. The giantess was not happy with the amount of effort they were showing. Bringing them back to their box she told them that they would be returning to her mother for their bad behavior. This placed fear into each little man as they knew Reina's mother was an evil woman. She had threatened them to do a good job or else face her wrath. As Reina put her pets back into the box and closed the lid, they knew they had fucked up. She left her house and went over to her mother's so she could give back her useless new slaves.

Reina's mom Angelina waited in her living room for her daughter to arrive. When she saw that she was bringing her Christmas present back to her she started to get furious. She thought that she had gifted the perfect little men to her daughter, but seeing as she was bringing them back made her know that the slaves had let her down. She agreed to take back the box to teach Ben and Brock a lesson. In a hurry, Reina left the room to go to work, leaving her little men with Angelina. When the giantess opened the box the shrunken guys were greeted with an angry look. They instantly felt threatened by the mother's intense energy. Furious with how they disappointing Reina, Angelina threw the box on the ground, allowing Ben and Brock to fall hard onto the floor. She slowly walked towards them with booming footsteps, scaring the helpless little guys with every step.

Angelina wanted to play one last game with the shrunken men. Normally this would be time to train them and make them into better pets, but today she did not have the patience. They would be unfortunate enough to become victims of her harsh wrath. She gave them orders to run for their lives as she would stand there and give them a head start. Ben and Brock could tell she was not joking around and each went in opposite directions as fast as they could. Angelina counted in her head to 10, but it wasn't much for the little men as she started to make her chase. Quickly she caught up with Ben and knocked him over with her high heel. She pinned him to the ground and started to apply pressure, making him feel like his bones would crack at any moment. Brock watched from a distance but Angelina yelled back at him, warning that this would be him next if he didn't do better to run. She turned her attention back towards Ben and started to put more weight down. Eventually she felt part of his tiny body start to crack so she let up. Ben was now unable to run as it felt like Angelina had broken some of his bones.

The giantess sat down and started to remove her heels, following up with her shirt. It was getting hot in there as she played her cruel game with the little guys. Now that Ben was just a worthless bug who could barely move, she decided it was time to go after Brock. In her bra and yoga pants she hunted the shrunken man, finding him quickly behind the couch. He ran as fast as he could be was immediately picked up by his arm and dragged through the air to be face to face with the angry goddess. She was disappointed with the lousy chase each of them put on for her. Wanting to punish Brock, she shrunk him down further to less than a few inches tall and dropped him in her mouth. Angelina wanted this little man to suffer, so instead of biting down on his body, she swallowed him whole. Brock screamed as he was dragged down the mouth of the goddess and into her belly where he would be digested. It was a scary thing to watch in the distance as Ben realized this was likely the end of him next as Brock vanished from this world.

Down to just one little guy now, Angelina walked back to where Ben was trying to crawl away and kicked him over with her foot. This small force was enough to knock him out temporary. She knew that the shrunken man was suffering and thought it was best to put him out of his misery. She placed him down on the couch and started to remove her yoga pants, revealing her sexy butt and legs to the scared tiny guy. Angelina loved to crush bad tiny men with her giant ass. She teased Ben momentary about how these were his last moments. Trying to wave his arms to stop her did nothing as Angelina slowly descended her enormous ass down towards the helpless shrunken guy. Things happened quickly though and soon he was underneath her butt. Angelina playfully grinded her ass on the couch, crushing the little guy further. Soon she felt his body stop moving and she knew that he was in fact now dead. Both Ben and Brock had become a victim of her cruel punishments. Now, Angelina would have to go out and shrink some more people so she could get her daughter a replacement present. Hopefully for their sake, they would be better pets than the last, or they would suffer the same consequences as Ben and Brock.


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